Wednesday, July 9, 2008

(in between)

Why in between the parenthesis? Because it is the way I write, including a funny tidbit, or clarifying a comment. But more because it is the way I mark time and the passage of events. Big events are outside the parenthesis; the birth of my beautiful girls, a long awaited vacation, holiday plans. But in between those are the everyday moments that clarify and calm and amuse; a picnic at the park, Jilli's cackling laughter after a tickle fest, Rory's sweet smile. I have long debated starting a blog. Who would it be for? Would I forward it to family and friends to share our everyday life? Would I horde it privately to be my own private diary? Would I espouse my beliefs? In weighing all of these I have concluded only that I want a record of my days. Right now I don't know where the record will ultimately take me, but I know it is time to begin. I don't want to forget the simple (and sometime crazed) reality of our lives as they are right now. I know too well that it will all be different in such a short time.

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