Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Month of Birthdays

We celebrated our friends' birhdays, Hazel (1) and Mena (3). At the end of the month we'll celebrate Aunt Patti's (50!). But the month of birthdays is the entire month I have spent celebrating 31.

In mid-July Mom and I visited the Washington Duke Inn for High Tea. It was serene and beautiful, as we sat in front of a huge picture window overlooking a garden. Our server brought fine teas, and the most amazing spread of delicate sandwiches, handmade pastries and tiny cookies Halfway through (and more than halfway through our appetites- but we are women who like to eat-- we persevered) she brought out the most delicious, flaky, melt in your mouth scones I have ever tasted. We chatted for hours about our memories of family vacations, trips we would like to take and the happy events in our lives. A few tables over a mom and grandma sat with two little girls (I can't wait to take Jilli and Makenna when they are a bit older, and in a few more years, Rory).

As if High Tea wasn't celebration enough, I also had a small surprise party with cake and flowers after our big Fife family portrait. On the morning of the ninth, Jeff made me breakfast in bed including waffles cut in heart shapes and fried eggs (for which he combed the internet looking for the perfect directions.) That afternoon I had a massage and when I arrived home many of our closest friends (both in our hearts and geographically)were waiting for me. More food, more cake, more flowers and again the feeling that I am blessed beyond words.

And still, there was more. Cupcakes from a co-worker who cooks dessert for every birthday in our office (nearly 40). And finally, dinner this past Friday evening with my best friend and the best partner. Jeff and I ate dinner at our favorite place, talked and laughed.

I do not know what lies ahead this year. But I know for certain I am loved.

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