Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow White

Its still snowing here. The girls are napping and Barack Obama is President. It seems fitting that the last time we had any significant snow was four years ago. Then, I watched it come down while sitting in my office and figured I'd let everyone clear the roads before I left. Instead it took me four hours to get home, kids were stuck on school buses and people had to walk along highways to go anywhere. The intervening years have been wonderful, magical years for me. I learned not long after my treacherous trip home that I was pregnant with Jilli. The country, the world, poor people, old people, sick people; they haven't fared so well in the four years since our last big snow day. But today...today the world looks new outside and tomorrow is full of hope.


Nik said...

I was driving down Wilmington street in Raleigh on Monday and saw a couple of homeless men lying out on the street. Made my heart ache.

Michele said...

You are so right -- snow is not a welcome event for anyone without a home or heating...