Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The girls and I are in Florida for the week. This is my first solo driving trip on my own with both girls but I figured I was being a bit of a drip and might as well try it. We left Saturday afternoon and made it here in record time. 9 hours 20 minutes. As Jeff volunteered, it must be him that slows us down. Of course we would much rather have him here too, but we are managing to have a good time. Jilli is taking swimming lessons in my parent's pool and we have celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday and took an all day trip to Sea World in the few days we have been here. I really wish someone would have clued me into this little fact earlier, but MY LORDY IT IS HOT HERE. I did spend the first 20 formative years of my life here but today I have no idea how I didn't simply melt away. Luckily, I have learned a great way to combat the heat is by consuming large quantities of the leftover ice cream cake from Dad's party. I think a trip to Bruster's is in my future once the cake stockpile runs out. Anyway, here's a snapshot (ok, 15...) of the last few days.

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