This is your first fall, little bear, and we are wasting no time introducing you to cool weather and pumpkins.
I wondered if I would have a crawler on my hands by now. You can cross a room in the blink of an eye on your tummy, and you can get up on your hands and knees, you just haven't put the two together yet. You rock back and forth like a mad woman but when you try to propel yourself forward you end up on your belly. You can sit up well on your own now too and that makes for fun pictures.
We snapped these today at our pumpkin carving extravaganza and I am so glad we got them. I guess we have less time to take thousands of shots than we did with your sister and I am often left thinking that we didn't capture you very well. But the ones here, this is you right now Rorybear, all sweet smiles and laughs.
You love to be thrown in the air. A few weeks ago you had your six month check up and you weighed 17 pounds 5 ounces. You are an excellent upper body workout when I throw and catch you a dozen times.
You have finally taken to eating with some excitement. This evening I was feeding you and Erin remarked on how loud you are. You were loving your apricots and telling me all about it. You also love to blow raspberries while eating, mostly when you have a mouth full of green beans or some other food I don't really want to wear. The first time you did it I used my best I-am-being-serious-voice and told you no. You thought I was hilarious.
You make me smile every day, Rory. I love you,
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